Right fitment with digitalisation and technology consumerisation strategy

JavaScript, the full-fledged dynamic programming language usually embedded in header of web pages along with enhancement of dynamics and interactive features of page. JavaScript is entering completely new and exciting cycle of evolution, innovation and standardisation with new developments allowing us to use JavaScript on server-side and accelerates building fast, robust and scalable web applications that work well with mobile browsers.


Build rich, thin, fast and scalable applications which can quickly connect with the technology buyer behavior of millennials. We have experts in emerging and fast-changing JavaScript technologies such as Node JS, AngularJS, jQuery and more. Expertise in JavaScript development services and custom web applications with intuitive site architecture, clear structure, enticing visual clues, and easily recognisable links.

Open Source Technology
Dynamic Web Application
Microservice Solutions
Interactive Mobile apps
Enterprise Solutions
API services


Build powerful and robust applications along with ease on re-engineering and maintainance

JavaScript is touted to be emerging technology trend for past few years and OptiSol is leaping forward with wave and has incorporated and leveraged advantages from JavaScript frameworks. OptiSol has been building web applications using conventional MVC frameworks along with JavaScript and has also built web apps purely on JavaScript stack using MEAN.

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