App Modernization Driven by Generative AI for Manufacturing

Key Highlights

  • Our project swiftly migrated a manufacturer from monolithic architecture to microservices using our Gen AI-enabled iBEAM accelerator, showcasing our seamless transition capabilities.
  • The client struggled with integration complexities, agility limitations for feature updates, and cost inefficiencies associated with their legacy systems.
  • We used advanced Gen AI tools for automated microservices blueprint generation, optimized CI/CD pipelines, and ensured seamless deployment, enhancing efficiency and scalability.
  • Our solutions delivered improved operational efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, enabling faster feature delivery, and enhancing competitiveness in the manufacturing sector.

Problem Statement


Complexity of Legacy Integration: The client faced challenges in integrating their legacy system with new microservices, resulting in data inconsistencies and operational inefficiencies during transition.


Lack of Agility: The client struggled with demand surges and lacked agility in timely feature updates, requiring scalable demand management and rapid deployment capabilities.


Cost Inefficiencies: The client perceived scaling and maintaining the monolithic architecture is expensive and required a cost-effective solution to optimize resource utilization.

Solution Overview


OptiSol collaborated with a prominent manufacturing enterprise to transition from a monolithic architecture to microservices using the Gen AI-enabled iBEAM accelerator in just 8 weeks.


Our team analyzed & leveraged our Gen AI to analyze various aspects and generated a microservices blueprint automatically.


We collaborated with the client to identify microservice extraction, using our GenAI expertise to analyze code, manage dependencies, and optimize CI/CD pipelines for efficiency.


Utilizing static code analysis tools, we integrated GenAI to enhance analysis and established automated testing frameworks, ensuring clear API documentation for each microservice.


We replicated production in staging, planned deployment to cut downtime and risk. We used monitoring tools to ensure microservices’ health and assisted post-deployment.

Business Impact


Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings: Adopting microservices and optimized monitoring tools reduced infrastructure costs, enhanced scalability, and resource utilization.
Increased Cost Savings


Agility and Development: Utilizing advanced AI-driven tools, accelerated development, improving code quality and agility in delivering new features & products to market.
Faster Time to Market


ROI Enhancement: Adoption of innovative Gen AI tools led to substantial ROI improvements by enhancing operational efficiency and reducing infrastructure expenditure.
Increase in ROI



This project implemented a swift migration from monolithic architecture to microservices for the Manufacturing sector. This solution was developed within 8 weeks using the Gen AI-enabled iBEAM accelerator. Using advanced AI tools, we automated the generation of microservices blueprints, optimized CI/CD pipelines, and ensured efficient deployment with minimal downtime and reduced risk. This shift significantly enhanced operational efficiency, scalability, and cost savings by reducing infrastructure expenditures. Agile development processes improved code quality and facilitated rapid delivery of new features and products to market, resulting in substantial ROI gains and reinforcing business competitiveness in the manufacturing sector.

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