How We Improved Patient Care Quality Through Consistent Translation Access

Key Highlights

  • In this success story, we developed an app featuring a centralized database to manage translator and patient information, optimizing coordination and reducing administrative tasks.
  • The client’s manual system caused delays, inconsistent language access led to communication issues, and manual billing processes were error-prone and complex.
  • We automated the matching of translators with patients based on language needs, integrated real-time updates on availability, and introduced automated billing to ensure accuracy.
  • The app enhanced operational efficiency, delivered timely language support, and improved billing accuracy, resulting in better patient satisfaction and overall care quality.

Problem Statement


Manual Translator Coordination: The hospital’s manual system for managing translator availability and coordination is inefficient and causes delays in providing translation services.


Inconsistent Language Access: The existing process fails to ensure prompt and consistent translators for patients, resulting in communication challenges and compromised quality of care.


Billing Complexity: Calculating translation service costs manually and distributing expenses between the hospital and translators is prone to errors, leading to disputes and inefficiencies.

Solution Overview


OptiSol implemented a centralized database within the app for managing details of translators, patients & language preferences, streamlining coordination, minimizing administrative efforts.


We automated the process of matching translators with patients based on language requirements, ensuring swift and accurate connections without manual intervention.


We integrated real-time information on translator availability to instantly connect with suitable translators via zoom and Twilio voice, enhancing service efficiency and reducing wait times.


With automated cost calculation based on call duration, the app ensured accurate billing and seamless cost distribution between the hospital and translators, eliminating errors and disputes.


Our team created a user-friendly interface for the app, simplifying processes for hospital staff and translators, which improved overall user satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Business Impact


Increased Operational Efficiency: Streamlined translator coordination, significantly reducing the administrative workload and enhancing hospital operations.
Reduced Administrative Workload


Improved Patient Experience: Accurate translator matching provides timely language support, enhancing patient satisfaction and care quality.
Increase In Patient Satisfaction


Accurate Billing: Automated cost calculations and transparent billing eliminate errors and disputes, ensuring fair compensation and better financial management.
Reduced Billing Errors & Disputes

About The Project

OptiSol enhanced the client’s manual translator coordination system into an efficient app by implementing a centralized database and automating the matching process based on language requirements. This ensured swift and accurate connections without manual intervention. Real-time translator availability integration enhanced service efficiency and reduced wait times. Automated cost calculations ensured accurate billing and eliminated disputes. The user-friendly app streamlined processes for hospital staff and translators, resulting in increased operational efficiency, improved patient satisfaction, and enhanced care quality.

Tech Stack

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