
A crowdsourced testing company based in Australia teamed up with OptiSol in developing a testing platform that offers end-users with start-up to enterprise-level crowdsourced testing solutions and services, delivered over a market-leading platform. The application is built in both mobile and web applications with options to monitor test cycles and view insights about the assignments and test cycles.

Our Solution

  • Ease the power of the crowd for accelerated releases and exceptional customer experiences of the web, mobile or cloud apps.
  • Hassle-free assignment on specified testing needs for different components within the project to the crowd of professional testers
  • Free up any development efforts for organizations to ensure a streamlined production process that is backed by reliable testing support.

Business Value


Test Cycle Manager

User can manage the test cycles along with easy inclusion and assignment

Track Test cycles

User can track and monitor the progression of test cycles and assignments


User can generate valuable insights and actionable metrics o test cycles, assignments and projects

Tech Stack

Related capabilities

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